Monday, September 16, 2013

Junkin' in Catania!

Finally sitting down to chat about the Junk Antique market here in Catania. I've now been a few times and its just the coolest thing I've ever seen. There is so much stuff, a lot of junk but there are some really neat decorative items and rare finds.

I love taking Richie out to the markets. It does make it a little more difficult to carry things but we manage. Plus the Italians love him! How can you not love that face!? I hope to go again this weekend and I'm thinking that I will take my camera. There are some things I would love to photograph, i.e. this lovely record player. It's just beautiful. It makes me wonder why on earth people would get rid of such treasures! Oh well, one man's trash is this woman's treasure!

I have stumbled across a few things that I, sadly, regret not snagging the minute they were discovered. Like an old ornate post box. I was sad to not bring it home with me. I did, however, find this cute wicker chair for €3. We've used it in a few photos for family or holidays so far. He's just so wiggly that its the only way I can get him still.

I've got my eye out for a few things. I suppose I could make a list. Pinterest has been where I've been storing ideas. I will just cross it off as I go!

  • Demijohns
  • Olive basket
  • Suitcases
  • Globe
  • Pottery
  • Typewriter
  • Keys
  • Baskets
  • Enamelware
  • Bread boards ( I found 2 so far)
  • Pizza peel
  • Grain Sifter
I'm sure this will not be the end of my list! 

The glass Demijohns were featured in my last post of fall decorations. I have 3 and I will be collecting more. I can't believe how inexpensive they are here. But it IS wine country! Suck on that Pottery Barn! 

I scored some bread boards awhile back and they are gracing my kitchen countertops in all their rustic charms. Wouldn't mind starting a collection of those!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happy September!

It's finally fall! I'm so over the summer heat here that its not even funny. Sicily stays pretty warm all the way up til October, but at least it starts to cool off. I had to get my house into the fall spirit. All I need now is a little apple cider and I will be one happy lady.

Fall also means its time for Richie's first birthday. I can't believe how quickly that happened! People always tell you that it does but you never realize it until it happens to you. I have been frantically searching Pinterest for ideas, scouring amazon and scoring on Pick Your Plum. I hope his birthday turns out the way I have imagined it.

I could hardly wait to pull the box of Autumn decorations out. The house feels a little more like the holidays to come. It makes me a little sad that I can't be home to see the leaves change colors or go to EZ Orchards for a cider donut. I will just have to go up Etna and find me some leaves and acorns. Do those exist in Italy? I think an adventure may come from this search.

Halloween is not too far away and I really should start working on costumes.
Been so busy working on his birthday party